
Amazon product reviews are an extremely valuable resource for both buyers and sellers alike. They provide insight into the quality of the product and the experiences that buyers are having with them. Potential buyers can use this information to help them make their purchasing decisions, and sellers can make adjustments to their products or listings based on what they have learned from their customers’ feedback.

Unfortunately, some sellers miss out on this valuable input as they don’t have the time to comb through all of the product reviews they receive. This problem is solved by the new FeedbackWhiz Review Summary Tool. Amazon sellers now have a much more efficient way to collect and analyze the important product reviews that customers leave. In this article, we’ll provide a preview and tutorial of the AI-driven FeedbackWhiz Review Summary Tool.

What Makes FeedbackWhiz’s Review Summary Feature So Useful

Being an Amazon seller is often a rewarding experience, but it is also usually a time-consuming one. Whether you run your Amazon business on your own or have built out a team to scale up operations, there are many different facets of your e-commerce business that require your attention every day. Anything that can be automated without any drop-off in quality makes everything run more smoothly and opens up time that can be spent elsewhere.

FeedbackWhiz has many excellent tools and services that help sellers on a daily basis including Feedback Management, Email Automation, 24/7 Monitoring, Profit & Loss Tracking, and now customizable product review summaries as well.

Using the power of artificial intelligence, the FeedbackWhiz Review Summary tool compiles all of the important data and recurring themes from the product reviews that your product receives and then delivers this information to you in a concise and easy to read message. Instead of reading through dozens of recent product reviews yourself and taking detailed notes to identify trends, you can generate a review summary in a matter of seconds.

Requesting a Review Summary

FeedbackWhiz Request Review Summary Screenshot

Now that we’ve covered what the Review Summary tool is and how it works, let’s go over how you can generate review summaries from your FeedbackWhiz dashboard.

When you click on the products tab and select Product Manager, all of your products will be displayed with the following columns: ASIN/SKUS, Product Title, Price, Units, Revenue, Offers, Reviews, and Review Summary. If you have generated a review summary for a specific product before, it can be accessed from the Review Summary column. If not, hovering over this column will cause a “+” icon to appear, prompting you to request a summary.

Once you have clicked on the “+”, a Request Review Summary window will open. On this window you can customize the summary you are requesting with the following options:

  • Summary FormatParagraph of sentences or a List of bullet points
  • Review TypeAll Ratings, Positive Reviews Only, or Negative Reviews Only
  • Verified Purchase – Any, Verified Purchase Only, or Unverified Purchase Only
  • Review Start Date and Review End Date – Date range of reviews to include
  • Max Sentences For Summary – 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
  • Max Reviews For Summary – 10, 25, or 50

After you have made all of your selections, you can click on the “Request Summary” button. This will generate your review summary to your specifications in just a few moments.

Reading Your Review Summary

If you selected the paragraph format, your product review summary will be delivered in a paragraph that clearly and concisely lets you know what your customers are saying about your product according to the reviews included in the report. The same information is displayed in quick and easy to read bullet points if you selected the list format. In both formats, you will also see prominent keywords that came up in your reviews displayed above your review summary.

The whole process is as simple as that. With just a few clicks, you’ll have access to customized reports that can be regenerated with different criteria whenever you need them. The FeedbackWhiz Review Summary tool will give you unrivaled insight on the products in your Amazon store directly from your customers. You can try this and all of the other amazing tools offered by FeedbackWhiz with a free 30-day trial today.


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