
Product reviews are among the most important factors that e-commerce customers consider when making purchases online. Studies have revealed that over 90% of online shoppers regularly or always read online reviews before making their decisions. Keeping up with your products’ reviews on online marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart should be a top priority. And with FeedbackWhiz Alerts’ new Walmart review monitoring feature, you’ll never miss a single review.

Walmart Review Monitoring Alerts

FW Alerts sends you notifications via email. Walmart review alerts (like Amazon alerts) can be set up based on your preferences, allowing you to decide what type of reviews you want to trigger an email notification.

Setting Up Your Walmart Alerts

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert in FW Alerts

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert.

From your FeedbackWhiz Alerts dashboard, you can choose to create a custom alert. The Walmart review notifications currently have the following categories locked in:

  • Marketplace: Walmart (US)
  • Service: Product Monitoring
  • Condition (for alert to trigger): Product Review
  • Frequency: Immediately (when review is received)

Under Subcondition, you will be able to select from the following drop-down menu:

  • Rating:
    • Any Rating (1-5 Stars)
    • Rating (Custom Range)
    • Positive Reviews (4 or 5 Stars)
    • Neutral Reviews (3 Stars)
    • Negative Reviews (1 or 2 Stars)

If you select the “Rating” option, you will be able to specify an exact review range that you want to receive Walmart alerts for. Under Range, you can choose “Equal,” “Greater Than Equal,” or “Less Than Equal,” and then type in a number. So if you only want to receive an alert email for negative and neutral reviews, you could choose “Less Than Equal” and type in “3” for the custom range of 1- to 3-star reviews.

What Makes Walmart Review Monitoring So Useful

Reviews in the FeedbackWhiz Product Review Manager

Reviews in the Product Review Manager.

Receiving positive reviews on your products is a good sign that customers are happy. Negative and neutral reviews are even more important to keep track of, though. They should always be addressed, and doing so in a productive manner can have a positive impact on your Walmart business.

  • Responding to unhappy customers – Seeing a negative review as soon as it comes in gives you the chance to act quickly. Providing great customer service to address your customer’s concerns may lead to a negative review being revised. But even if it doesn’t, it still could earn you future business from a customer that may otherwise have been unwilling to try your products again.
  • Potential review removal – Walmart has a set of customer product review guidelines that must be met for a review to remain posted on the site. If you find a negative review that does not adhere to these guidelines, you may be able to have Walmart’s customer service team take it down.
  • Catching bad actors early – A nefarious competitor selling in your space could try to mess up your product listing with a flood of fake reviews. Walmart review monitoring will help you to catch this sort of activity early and to report it right away.
  • Improving your products – While some issues can be fixed with customer service, others may stem from legitimate problems with one of your products. By carefully reviewing all of the negative feedback you receive, you can identify trends and consistent sources of frustration, which you can potentially address with product or packaging updates.

FW Alerts Covers Reviews and Much More on Amazon Accounts

All of the features that make Walmart review alerts so valuable also apply to Amazon reviews. FW Alerts can be set up for product reviews on Amazon as well as many other key features on your Amazon account:

  • Account Health
  • Category Changes
  • Seller Feedback
  • Listing Alerts (including changes to product titles, descriptions and other details)
  • Competition (new sellers, losing the buy box and more)
  • Order Manager (including refund requests)
  • Profits

All alerts can be customized to the exact specifications you need, including how often you receive email notifications and what email addresses they go to. If you sell products on Amazon, Walmart, or both, FW Alerts can help you monitor your product reviews around the clock. Learn more about this amazing tool and start your free 30-day trial today!


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