Defending Amazon Account Well being towards Black Hat Ways


To be successful on Amazon, it’s crucial to manage your account health. Your listing optimization or number of reviews is irrelevant if your listing or account is suspended.

You also need to monitor and fix ASIN restrictions, buy box losses, or even detail page abuses that could severely inhibit your ability to sell smoothly in the marketplace.

Ignoring potentially damaging changes to your detail pages could really hurt your ability to maintain sales rank, provide the buyer experience Amazon’s expecting you to, or even to continue to sell.

Consistent monitoring is critical to your success. Failing to do so could harm your ability to run your Amazon seller account. Using a tool like FeedbackWhiz Alerts to keep track of performance metrics and to assure yourself of solid account health status can make all the difference in the end.

Article by former Amazonian Chris McCabe, AKA ecommerceChris.

Buy Box Loss

Exhausted man at a computer rubbing his eyes

As we saw on a recent LinkedIn post, sellers are facing restrictions from unknown causes, sometimes from attacks by a competitor who is adept at manipulating tools and Amazon’s internal teams.

Other times, it’s bot armies that failed to work correctly. Instead, they’ve created technical glitches that sellers must be aware of.

Amazon won’t always have well-written, effectively communicated notifications to alert you to a problem. It’s often up to a seller to track and understand what’s going on and know how to communicate the wrongful flags, and sometimes the solution, back to Amazon teams.

Don’t assume that you’re in safe hands once you’ve reached Seller Performance, or once you’ve flagged it to Seller Support. That’s not even a fully completed first step, because you may fail to advance a solution — especially if you’re not pushing internal teams the right way. Often, emailed escalations are the only true means to surface a faulty buy box removal and get the problem resolved at the proper level.

Sellers often wake up to find they’ve lost the buy box simply due to a bot failure on the Amazon side. Their listings may even be down just because Amazon believes you’re selling the same exact items at a lower price off-Amazon, often due to incorrect matches to different quantities. Curiously, Amazon never built in tools or code to identify correct quantities of products and to factor that into their automated listing takedown process.

Or, you may simply be kicked out of the buy box due to seller metrics, or other reviews. It’ll be up to you to appeal or even to escalate it early and often, to make sure Amazon understands the errors in their bots, the difference between quantities of multi-packs they found on other product listings you have, or anything else they misunderstood when you’re booted out of the buy box.

Get notified anytime you lose the buy box with FW Alerts so you can take action immediately.

You Need to Get Notified If Your Amazon Listing Titles Change!

FeedbackWhiz Alerts Hijacker Listing Alert

Setting up custom listing hijacker, buy box, and item title change alerts with FW Alerts.

Everyone needs to stay 100% on top of changes to their detail pages, because Amazon bots, AI, or another seller can alter a listing.

But if you have listing alerts set up with robust, reliable tools, it won’t happen without your knowledge.

Why do you need to be alert to detail page changes?

So you can take quick action on sellers hijacking your Amazon listings with bad listing changes and restore your reputation (and position in the buy box). Or to correct abusive contributions intended to make your product look like it’s in violation of Amazon’s policy, before Amazon notices them. It’s a lot easier to correct detail page content BEFORE your ASIN is restricted.

Otherwise, you may lose not only sales, but sales rank alongside the positive buyer impression that previously existed with your products. And you’ll waste precious time researching what went wrong.

Simply put, there are a whole host of ways an ASIN could be flagged for review, removed from the catalog entirely, or taken down in a suspension situation for listing policy violations, condition complaints, detail page errors, or abusive attacks meant to trigger Amazon’s bots.

The first step is to be ready for anything at all, at all times.

The second step is to make sure you’re covered 24/7 for any ASIN changes to ensure your own operational “rapid response teams” can assess it, identify causes, implement solutions, and fire off appeals to make sure Amazon understands what they have to do on their side to help you out — and fix it, and end the threat.

Find Out when Someone Logs In to Your Amazon Seller Account

Hacker in a hoodie at a computer

Real-time alerts on account access can mean the difference between quickly opening tickets and troubleshooting unauthorized account activity and struggling to regain access to your account after Amazon flagged unusual activity.

It’s important to monitor account access yourself because Amazon doesn’t always correctly identify bad activity, flag it, and stop it from resulting in listing changes, bank account changes, and other horrible developments.

Without delving too deeply into a few of the nightmare scenarios we’ve seen, some sellers find out too late that they’ve lost access to their own account. Someone may be trying to change payment methods as soon as they’re in, and they reset the primary email address so that your emailed appeals to email queues or even to senior management won’t pull up an account.

I can’t tell you how frustrated sellers become when they use their former primary email to write to Executive Seller Relations teams in desperation, only to receive an answer that they cannot find the account. Of course they can’t, the email’s been changed by your attacker!

It sounds simple, and you’d think my former Seller Performance teams would quickly understand the situation. But often, they fail to follow through on all relevant steps — sometimes they scramble the password again and will remove the other party, temporarily, but forget to get you back into your own account under the right email address. A few escalations are sometimes needed to fix this, and that can take days or even a week of sales right out from under you.

We recommend that all Amazon sellers invest in monitoring tools for their Seller Central account. Skipping use of tools like this, either to save costs or save time, will cost you more time and money in the long run. Don’t be that seller! Be the one who is prepared for any and all outcomes, including Amazon listing errors, competitor ASIN contributions that take down your listing, or any other automation mistakes, bots, abuses or attacks.

Want to hear more strategies around this, and other Amazon account health pain points? Join us in NY for the Seller Velocity Conference, this May 1–2!

What’s the Seller Velocity Conference? It’s a dynamic 2-day conference focused on optimizing e-commerce performance, featuring workshops, intimate breakout sessions for actionable insights, and unparalleled networking opportunities with industry leaders and experts in Amazon, e-commerce, and digital marketing.

We’re rolling out the red carpet for the Amazon seller community with a special offer that’s too good to miss!

Get 25% OFF your Seller Velocity Conference ticket with discount code SVC24NYC!

Transform your seller journey with tailored insights and strategies designed to boost your success!

Register at to redeem this offer!


FeedbackWhiz vs. Suggestions Genius


FeedbackWhiz and Seller Labs’ Feedback Genius are two of the most well-known Amazon feedback software providers on the market. Both give Amazon sellers the ability to automate feedback requests, monitor product reviews, and much more. If you are trying to decide which option is right for you in the FeedbackWhiz vs. Feedback Genius debate, we’ve got a few advantages to highlight for you.

FeedbackWhiz vs. Feedback Genius: Pricing

FeedbackWhiz Emails pricing April 2024

Pricing for FeedbackWhiz Emails as of April 2024.

Feedback Genius is a part of Seller Labs, which has the following pricing model:

  • Annual Sales on Amazon up to $50K: $49 per month
  • Annual Sales on Amazon $50K–$250K: $99 per month
  • Annual Sales on Amazon $250K–$1M: $149 per month
  • Annual Sales on Amazon >$1M: $299 per month

FeedbackWhiz’s Amazon review request automation tool is priced as follows:

  • Starter: $20 per month (includes up to 2,000 review requests per month)
  • Basic: $40 per month (includes up to 5,000 review requests per month)
  • Professional: $80 per month (includes unlimited review requests)
  • Ultimate: $140 per month (includes unlimited review requests and a dedicated account manager)

Both sites also offer 20% off these prices if you sign up for an annual subscription instead of going month to month.

Regardless of how big your Amazon business is, FeedbackWhiz is a better value at every level. For sellers with $50K or less in annual sales, the Starter or Basic level will meet your needs and save you money against Feedback Genius’s cheapest tier.

If you have more than $50K in annual sales and want to upgrade to a bigger plan, no problem. The Professional level provides unlimited automated review requests and email campaigns at a significantly lower price than Seller Labs.

If you sell over $1 million annually on Amazon, the $299 per month you’d be required to pay on Feedback Genius is over 270% more than the $80 you could pay on FeedbackWhiz’s Professional plan!

FeedbackWhiz is the clear winner in value. Save up to $219 a month with FeedbackWhiz!

FeedbackWhiz vs. Feedback Genius: Walmart Integration

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert in FW Alerts

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert in FeedbackWhiz Alerts.

If you sell products on, FeedbackWhiz becomes an even more obvious choice over Feedback Genius. With just a small add-on cost based on the number of products you want to track, you can now use FeedbackWhiz Alerts for Walmart product monitoring.

Any time someone reviews one of your Walmart or Amazon products, you will instantly receive an email letting you know. These review alerts can help you to stay on top of any negative or neutral reviews that come in, so that you can:

  • Provide helpful customer support right away.
  • Request removal of the negative feedback if it does not adhere to Walmart’s product review guidelines.
  • Look for trends in unfavorable reviews that can lead to improvements on your products.
  • Catch and report suspicious behavior like floods of fake reviews.

FeedbackWhiz also just added Walmart profit analytics to its Amazon profit and accounting tool.

Feedback Genius does not currently have any Walmart integration in place. Meanwhile, FeedbackWhiz has already added these features for Walmart sellers and is working on more to roll out in the future.

Note: Even with all three FeedbackWhiz tools combined, you can still save money over Feedback Genius. Together, they start as low as $45 per month!

FeedbackWhiz Offers Other Powerful Features as Well

Walmart Other Transactions breakdown popup in FW Profit Analytics

The Walmart Other Transactions breakdown in FW Profit Analytics.

FeedbackWhiz has the best software on the market for gathering product reviews. From automatically pressing Amazon’s “Request a Review” button to setting up highly customized email campaigns, it’s unmatched in power and price.

In addition to offering these services for less than Feedback Genius, FeedbackWhiz also has other powerful tools for Amazon and Walmart sellers. These include 24/7 product monitoring and an in-depth profit and loss tracking tool.

If you’ve been looking for an alternative to Feedback Genius, look no further than FeedbackWhiz. Try out all of these incredible features today with a free 30-day trial!

Disclaimer: Feedback Genius is a trademark of Seller Labs. FeedbackWhiz is not affiliated with Seller Labs in any way.


FeedbackWhiz Alerts Now Contains Walmart Assessment Monitoring


Product reviews are among the most important factors that e-commerce customers consider when making purchases online. Studies have revealed that over 90% of online shoppers regularly or always read online reviews before making their decisions. Keeping up with your products’ reviews on online marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart should be a top priority. And with FeedbackWhiz Alerts’ new Walmart review monitoring feature, you’ll never miss a single review.

Walmart Review Monitoring Alerts

FW Alerts sends you notifications via email. Walmart review alerts (like Amazon alerts) can be set up based on your preferences, allowing you to decide what type of reviews you want to trigger an email notification.

Setting Up Your Walmart Alerts

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert in FW Alerts

Setting up a custom Walmart review alert.

From your FeedbackWhiz Alerts dashboard, you can choose to create a custom alert. The Walmart review notifications currently have the following categories locked in:

  • Marketplace: Walmart (US)
  • Service: Product Monitoring
  • Condition (for alert to trigger): Product Review
  • Frequency: Immediately (when review is received)

Under Subcondition, you will be able to select from the following drop-down menu:

  • Rating:
    • Any Rating (1-5 Stars)
    • Rating (Custom Range)
    • Positive Reviews (4 or 5 Stars)
    • Neutral Reviews (3 Stars)
    • Negative Reviews (1 or 2 Stars)

If you select the “Rating” option, you will be able to specify an exact review range that you want to receive Walmart alerts for. Under Range, you can choose “Equal,” “Greater Than Equal,” or “Less Than Equal,” and then type in a number. So if you only want to receive an alert email for negative and neutral reviews, you could choose “Less Than Equal” and type in “3” for the custom range of 1- to 3-star reviews.

What Makes Walmart Review Monitoring So Useful

Reviews in the FeedbackWhiz Product Review Manager

Reviews in the Product Review Manager.

Receiving positive reviews on your products is a good sign that customers are happy. Negative and neutral reviews are even more important to keep track of, though. They should always be addressed, and doing so in a productive manner can have a positive impact on your Walmart business.

  • Responding to unhappy customers – Seeing a negative review as soon as it comes in gives you the chance to act quickly. Providing great customer service to address your customer’s concerns may lead to a negative review being revised. But even if it doesn’t, it still could earn you future business from a customer that may otherwise have been unwilling to try your products again.
  • Potential review removal – Walmart has a set of customer product review guidelines that must be met for a review to remain posted on the site. If you find a negative review that does not adhere to these guidelines, you may be able to have Walmart’s customer service team take it down.
  • Catching bad actors early – A nefarious competitor selling in your space could try to mess up your product listing with a flood of fake reviews. Walmart review monitoring will help you to catch this sort of activity early and to report it right away.
  • Improving your products – While some issues can be fixed with customer service, others may stem from legitimate problems with one of your products. By carefully reviewing all of the negative feedback you receive, you can identify trends and consistent sources of frustration, which you can potentially address with product or packaging updates.

FW Alerts Covers Reviews and Much More on Amazon Accounts

All of the features that make Walmart review alerts so valuable also apply to Amazon reviews. FW Alerts can be set up for product reviews on Amazon as well as many other key features on your Amazon account:

  • Account Health
  • Category Changes
  • Seller Feedback
  • Listing Alerts (including changes to product titles, descriptions and other details)
  • Competition (new sellers, losing the buy box and more)
  • Order Manager (including refund requests)
  • Profits

All alerts can be customized to the exact specifications you need, including how often you receive email notifications and what email addresses they go to. If you sell products on Amazon, Walmart, or both, FW Alerts can help you monitor your product reviews around the clock. Learn more about this amazing tool and start your free 30-day trial today!


E-commerce Accounting Software program for Walmart & Amazon


Experienced sellers know that gross sales on marketplaces like Walmart and Amazon are just one part of the profitability equation. To paint the whole picture, you need to compare your total sales against costs like goods and service fees. Using high-powered e-commerce accounting software like FeedbackWhiz Profit Analytics to keep track of this data will save you a lot of time and energy over doing it yourself.

FeedbackWhiz’s profit accounting tool has been one of the best in the e-commerce industry since its launch in 2020. It was previously only available to Amazon sellers, but now Walmart sellers will be able to utilize this robust tool as well. Here’s an early look at FeedbackWhiz’s new Walmart seller analytics feature.

New Walmart Seller Software

Tracking your profits and losses on Walmart has never been easier or more efficient. From your FeedbackWhiz Profit Analytics dashboard, you’ll be able to quickly see your Walmart store’s profit data across multiple custom date ranges on easy-to-read display cards.

FW Profit Analytics Walmart profit card

Sales Data Displayed

These cards include the following data over your selected date range:

  • Units Sold
    • Walmart Fulfilled Units
    • Seller Fulfilled Units
  • Orders
  • Revenue
    • Walmart Fulfilled Sales
    • Seller Fulfilled Sales
    • Total Sales
  • Taxes
  • Costs
    • Refunds
    • Number of Refunds
    • Walmart Commission
    • Walmart Fulfillment
    • Walmart Fees
    • Other Transactions
      • Review Accelerator
      • SEM Marketing
      • WFS Found Inventory
      • WFS Inbound Transportation Fee
      • WFS Inventory Transfer Fee
      • WFS Lost Inventory
      • WFS Prep Service Fee
      • WFS Refund
      • WFS Storage Fee
      • WFS Damaged in Warehouse
  • Net Profit
  • Margins

Walmart Other Transactions breakdown popup in FW Profit Analytics

Let’s say that you set up one card on your dashboard to show you the Walmart seller analytics for the last 180 days of sales, one to show you month to date, and one to show you year to date. In addition to displaying all the relevant data for those timeframes, you’ll also be able to see how those numbers compare to the previous month, 180 days, or year.

Top Products

While the dashboard will give you a look at how your entire Walmart business is performing, the Top Products section will break things down by individual SKUs. You’ll be able to see all your products and analyze important data like units sold, orders, revenue, refunds, and fees.

Products can be sorted by any of these categories and more, including net profit. Sorting the items in your Walmart store by profitability makes it easy to see exactly which SKUs are performing the best and the worst, and then use that information to strategize accordingly.

FeedbackWhiz Profit Analytics Is Great for Amazon as Well

PPC Advertising Spend Breakdown popup in FW Profit Analytics

With FeedbackWhiz Profit Analytics, you have a powerhouse of e-commerce accounting software that can keep track of the profits on both your Walmart and Amazon storefronts, if you happen to sell on both platforms. This profit tool can do all the following:

  • Track your Amazon profits and losses
  • Clearly break down sales, seller fees, taxes, promotions, refunds and more
  • Display your data in beautiful and easy-to-read graphs and charts
  • Customize how your revenue and expenses are tracked to your specifications
  • View comparison metrics across Amazon’s international marketplaces
  • And much more!

Whether you sell on Amazon, Walmart, or both, FeedbackWhiz Profits can help take your e-commerce business to the next level. Learn more about this incredible Walmart seller software and start your free 30-day trial today!


FeedbackWhiz Alerts Options and Customizations


With FeedbackWhiz Alerts, Amazon sellers never have to worry about missing a thing in regards to their account and product listings. FeedbackWhiz understand how important peace of mind is to business owners, and customizable alerts across your Amazon storefront will provide you with exactly that.

If you receive a negative review, lose the buy box on your listing or are out of stock on a hot-selling item, you can be notified right away thanks to FeedbackWhiz Alerts. And since all of these alerts are fully customizable, you have the power to determine how often you receive them, which products they should apply to, and much more. In this post we’ll cover all of the features and customization options FeedbackWhiz Alerts has to offer.

Custom Alerts Offered By FeedbackWhiz

FeedbackWhiz Alerts are broken down into several categories based on the service provided. Each of these alerts can be further customized with different options including conditions, frequency, and applicable products. We will go over those customization options in further detail in the Alert Settings section below.


  • Account Health – Changes to your Amazon account’s health status.
  • Late Shipment Warning
  • Suspension Via API
  • Suspension-Unreported
  • Performance Metrics – Updates to your performance metrics.


  • Adult Flag – If a product has been flagged as an adult product.
  • Main Category – If the main category of your product listing has changed.
  • Sub Category – If a sub category of your product listing has changed.

Email Summary

You can use this service to set up a daily, weekly, or monthly email report summarizing your alerts received during that time period.

Feedback Manager

  • Feedback Rating – Can be customized to include any feedback rating or specific types like positive, neutral or negative.
  • Feedback Removal – When feedback has been removed.

Hijackers / Competitors

  • Hijacker – When the number of offers on one of your listings has changed.
  • New Listing Variation – When another listing has been created of a product you are selling.


Listing Alerts

All of these alerts can be selected for any product listing to notify you of any of these changes to that listing.

  • Title Change
  • Image Change
  • Best Seller Rank (BSR)
  • Buy-Box
  • Description
  • Brand
  • Manufacturer
  • Dimensions
  • Weight
  • Price
  • Fulfillment Fee
  • Suppression
  • Search Result Suppression
  • Listing Issues
  • Hidden Listings
  • FBA Fee Change
  • ASIN Merge

Order Manager

  • Order Refund – When a refund on an order has been made.
  • Units Per Order – For when a specific number of units are included in an order.
  • Units Sold (Aggregate) – When a specified total number units has sold.
  • Order Volume (Aggregate) – When a specified total number of orders have been placed.

Product Manager

  • Product Review – Can be customized to include any rating, positive reviews, neutral reviews, or negative reviews.


Each of these profit alerts can be set up as summaries, amounts, amount changes and percent changes.

  • Revenue
  • Cost
  • Net Profit
  • Margins (%)

Create Alerts and More With Alert Settings

FeedbackWhiz Alerts Settings

Once you have signed in to your FeedbackWhiz account, you can access alert settings by clicking on the bell icon in the top right corner of the page. From this page, you can create and manage your custom alerts and lists. The FeedbackWhiz Alert settings also makes it easy to find, review and edit existing alerts with drop-down menus and search options. You can also toggle current alerts on or off with just one click.

Creating Custom Alerts

FeedbackWhiz Alerts Create Custom Alert

When you are ready to create a custom alert, click on the “Create Alert” button in the top right corner of the Alerts Settings page. This will open up a pop-up menu that gives you all of the following options:

  • Service – What type of custom alert you’d like to set up
  • Marketplace – Which marketplace you’d like it to apply to (USA, Mexico, Canada, etc.)
  • Frequency – Immediate is the default on certain alert types, but when applicable for report-based alerts, you can select the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) of these reports
  • Condition – The specific custom alert you want to set up
  • Sub-Condition – Additional options when applicable (such as all product reviews or negative product reviews only)
  • Range – What range should trigger the alert (when applicable)
  • Product List – Which products this alert should apply to
  • Subscriber List – Who you want to receive this notification

The product list and subscriber list can be selected from your pre-existing lists or you can create a new one directly from this pop-up menu. Once you have made all of your selections, you can click “Create Alert” to finish creating this custom alert. You will then return to the Alert Settings screen, where you can review your new alert and toggle it on or off.

List Management

FeedbackWhiz Alerts List Management

Right next to the “Create Alert” button on the Alerts Setting page is the “List Management” button. Clicking on this button will show you all of the Product Lists and Subscriber Lists that you have already created in separate tabs, and allow you to create new ones using the “Create List” button. Clicking on that button will prompt you to build out your list with relevant products or contact information.

  • Product Lists – You may want to apply certain alerts to all of the products in your Amazon store. But there may be other alerts that you only want to apply to a specific group of products. This could be based on performance, category, advertising campaigns, or any other factors that you can come up with. Product lists make it easy for you to group products together in a way that makes sense for your business and strategies
  • Subscriber Lists – If your Amazon business has a team, subscriber lists will help you to manage which team members receive each type of alert. For example, you may want negative product review alerts to go to your customer service team and account health alerts to come directly to you. Create subscriber lists to make the process of sending certain alerts to specific teams an easy one.

How To Use the Alerts Dashboard

FeedbackWhiz Alerts Dashboard

The Alerts Dashboard page can also be accessed using the bell icon on the top right corner of your FeedbackWhiz account. This page gives you an in-depth look at all of the critical events happening on your Amazon account based on the FeedbackWhiz alerts that you have set up.

Search and Sorting Options

By default, all alert messages will be on display when you first open the alerts dashboard. There are plenty of options in place however to help you narrow down your dashboard to only show certain alerts if you are looking for something specific:

  • Service – Sort by the type of alert
  • Condition – Once you have selected the service, narrow your search down further with specific alerts
  • Rating – Sort by rating type when applicable
  • Progress – Narrow you search down to the progress of the alert in question (new, open, in progress or resolved)
  • Notes – Alerts you have taken notes on, haven’t taken notes on, have taken notes on today or have taken notes on yesterday
  • Product Search – Search by specific products
  • By Labels – Use labels that have been created in the Product Manager page
  • Date Period – Select a range of dates to show alert messages from

After you have narrowed down your custom Amazon alerts using the criteria above, you can sort your results by date, product review ratings, feedback ratings, or progress status in descending or ascending order.

Stats Cards

Right below all of these search and sorting options are your account’s alert stats cards. These four cards give you the following information at a glance:

  • Resolved Alerts
  • Product Reviews (Positive, Neutral and Negative)
  • Feedback Received (Positive, Neutral and Negative)
  • Notes

Alerts Dashboard Table

The Alerts Dashboard table is where all of your alert messages are displayed. The table has each of the following columns:

  • Created – The time and day the alert was created
  • Service – Which service the alert falls under
  • Alert Message – Details of the alert
  • ASIN – The product the alert was created from
  • Star Rating – How many stars you received (if the alert is a review or feedback)
  • Notes – Notes that you or your team have taken
  • Labels – Labels from other subscribed services are displayed here including Order Manager (Yellow), Feedback Manager (Teal), Profits (Purple), Product Monitoring (Blue) and Product Review (Green)
  • Progress – “New” by default, can be updated to Open, In Progress, or Resolved

You can use the drop down menu on the top right corner of the Alerts Dashboard table to select how many alerts you want to display at a time. On the top left corner of the table, you can select all by checking the box above the alerts to initiate bulk actions.

What Makes FeedbackWhiz Alerts Essential For Your Business

FeedbackWhiz Alerts is a robust tool that puts the power of 24/7 monitoring on all of the vital parts of your Amazon business at your fingertips. FeedbackWhiz understands that no two business are exactly alike and has built out advanced customization options to ensure that you get the specific alerts that you need when and how you want them.

With the peace of mind and security that FeedbackWhiz Alerts provides, you can focus your valuable time and energy on optimizing the profitability of your business without needing to worry about missing anything important. You can try out this incredible service and get full access to all of our Amazon seller tools with a free 30-day trial today.


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